About Us
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About Us
"I have had personal experience of Roger's energy, drive and effectiveness in putting on some impressive events, organising effective and productive dinners and demonstrating the importance of high level networking. His ability to get people together and drive the agenda is palpable"
The Rt Hon, the Lord Blunkett
There are four main officers of the Alliance. The founding Director is the Chief Executive Officer, Roger Ellis, ably assisted by the Corporate Director, Sharon Michaels and the Programme Director, Michael Rogers-Nash..
Providing guidance and valuable assistance is the Honorary Chairman, the Earl of Erroll.
A brief biography of all four officers is shown below.
Roger Ellis – Chief Executive Officer

Roger is a prolific networker having served as the UK Country Manager for two years for Xing (the second largest internet network after Linkedin) and is Chairman and Founder of the IT Director’s Network.
He is also a former Chairman of Elite (the IT Director’s arm of the British Computer Society), the former Treasurer for the UK Chapter of the ISSA (the leading association for IT Security experts) and a Past Chairman of the London Branch of the International Wine & Food Society (the world’s oldest gastronomic society).
With a total of over 45 years experience in industry, including 12 years as the IT Director of a leading FTSE 100 Company, he also finds time to serve as the Regalia Officer of a City of London Livery Company, and is a Freeman of the City of London, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Sharon A. Michaels - Corporate Director

Sharon has been in the advertising, marketing, PR and exhibition industries for over 25 years and her extensive client base spans both trade and consumers. She has an excellent understanding of the requirements of varying market sectors – from fashion, charity, travel, food, wine, home interest to finance.
Very much a ‘hands on’ person, with involvement and back-up for clients’ marketing and development programmes has resulted in wide ranging activities at all levels including being involved in TV commercials (from concept, script, production through to approval) and publishing with a good all-round knowledge of production, print and photography.
Her expertise in exhibitions are in both trade and consumer sectors and Sharon has been involved in every step from identifying the market, advertising, PR and organisation through to maintaining after show follow-up/reaction.
Michael Rogers-Nash - Programme Director
An experienced project manager who has organised many events from the parade ground, to civic, commercial and social in castles and venues around the country. A long serving member of the BBA. Michael has a large network from many years experience in industry including as Chief Executive after a period in the military He is a certified project manager, a City of London Liveryman and Freeman and a committee member of the Institute of Directors. He is also Past Chairman of the Welsh Amateur Boxing Association, Junior Chamber of Commerce and Chepstow Round Table.
Earl of Erroll - Chairman

Merlin is the 24th Earl of Erroll, and is a cross-bench member of the House of Lords, the Clan Chief of the Hays Clan, and the hereditary Lord High Constable of Scotland.
Born the son of Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk, 11th Baronet and Diana Denyse Hay, 23rd Countess of Erroll, he was educated at Eton College and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He succeeded his mother in 1978 as Earl of Erroll, and in 1985, his father as a Baronet.
He has been a Lieutenant, Atholl Highlanders since 1974, and is a Member of the Royal Company of Archers. Other honours include being a Freeman of the City of London and serving as Prime Warden of the City Livery Company, the Fishmongers, in 2000–01. He is also President of the E-business Regulatory Alliance and a Director of EURIM as well as a member of the Council of the Hereditary Peerage Association, and an Admiral of the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska, (USA).